Offering therapy in-office in Mt. Clemens, Michigan, and via telehealth across the state | 586-576-6523
If you clicked this page, it's likely that you are interested in connecting with a therapist and are trying to decide if Growing Forward Counseling is right for you. Good for you! Therapist-client fit is a major determining factor for successful therapy outcomes! Read on for four of the biggest reasons why I hope you will consider choosing to work with me.
What makes Growing Forward stand out?
I really know how to help with grief and with trauma.
I have specialized in grief counseling for several years, and have been trained to administer EMDR – widely considered the most effective trauma therapy – in a highly accredited program. If you facing either of these challenges, it's likely one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do, and it's normal to need professional help. I am highly equipped to address grief with individuals in any circumstance, and with trauma in nearly any circumstance. Click here to learn more about my grief specialization. Click here to learn about my trauma specialization.
I listen with intention
and empathy.
When you are with me in therapy, I am listening to you actively, intently, and with empathy. I am hearing you on multiple levels. Feeling seen clearly and accepted at the same time can go a long way in helping you feel safe to open up to me and to yourself so that we can get some work done.
I focus on what works.
My combination of pragmatism, empathy, and flexibility serves to help me be a great fit with many clients. I both highly value research and do not believe in one-size-fits all approaches. I will do my best to fit my style and interventions to you and your needs, not the other way around.
Ready whenever you are.
Whatever the problem is that you are facing, there is a good chance that I can give you some tools and strategies to better understand it and cope with it. I can give you what you need to address the symptoms. But I am also very interested in working with you to get to the root of the problem. I will be honest and let you know that doing this can sometimes feel uncomfortable, but the rewards for doing so are worth it. Whether you want to move slowly or dive deep, I will commit with you to get there and will help however I can as I walk alongside you.